My New Photography Website is Coming! it getting a whole new modern look! I am redeisigning my photography website. My url address will stay the same "" but a whole new modern look and feel is in the works as I am teaching myself Squarespace 7.1. Currently this website was designed in Squarespace 5.0 and its templates are very much outdated, and Squarespace no longer provides support for this outdated version. Time to update this website.
Those of you who don't no me, I am a retired graphic designer and production artist who has a love for photography and all things graphic! My website "" will showcase my love for photography, travel, and images from my community of Roslindale, MA, a Boston, MA neighborhood. I will be keeping my blog and will be seeking to make it more interactive and relevent for today's happenings and events around Boston. Also, I will be showcasing "New Work", "Projects", and a "Photo Lab" where I will be creating new works of art from photography with interaction to style, technique of manipulated digital images.
The expected "go live" with the new website should be April 1st of this year. Below is a screengrab previewing one of my photography pages.